Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Long Live the King

September 9th, the day after her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II died, was my regular Friday portrait group at my studio Coddiwomple.   As a nod to the late Queen, I dressed the model up a bit royally.  Coincidentally I had just added that hat to my collection of second-hand store finds.

 11 x 16 oil on Canson canvas paper

Wednesday, September 14, 2022


I'm back at it!  Portraits again.  My studio mate and two other people started a once-a-week portrait session.   Models have been ordinary people.  It's beginning to catch on and mostly no one misses a session.  I've been painting portraits on and off for many years and always enjoy watching the image emerge by pushing colored grease around. 

 oil on canvas paper 11" x 16"