Friday, October 7, 2022

Mr. Broadbent

Sometimes, for a number of reasons, we have no model, so one of us volunteers.  It's a sacrifice to not get to paint on the one 'portrait' painting day of the week.   Dennis was a good sport, even when we exchanged his cap for a small straw fedora.  When we imagine him, he's either got a brush, a banana, or an art book in his hands, so...

 11" x 16" oil on Canson canvas paper

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Long Live the King

September 9th, the day after her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II died, was my regular Friday portrait group at my studio Coddiwomple.   As a nod to the late Queen, I dressed the model up a bit royally.  Coincidentally I had just added that hat to my collection of second-hand store finds.

 11 x 16 oil on Canson canvas paper

Wednesday, September 14, 2022


I'm back at it!  Portraits again.  My studio mate and two other people started a once-a-week portrait session.   Models have been ordinary people.  It's beginning to catch on and mostly no one misses a session.  I've been painting portraits on and off for many years and always enjoy watching the image emerge by pushing colored grease around. 

 oil on canvas paper 11" x 16"


Friday, August 12, 2022

Lee's field in August

A stifling morning in a seamless run of hot days during a summer when 
everyone wishes it would rain.  The very kind landowner got on her tractor and 
mowed three fields the day before just in case anyone wanted to paint the 
view seen from the fields.  I walked out there, but it was too hot so 
I found a shady tree and set out to memorialize her kindness.

 9 x 12 oil on panel