Sunday, September 29, 2019

Left Bank Gallery

So happy to be showing work at Left Bank Gallery in Wellfleet, MA.  Left Bank is a well-established gallery that has been in operation since 1971.
Among other things, Wellfleet is famous for it's oysters.   Lucky for me I spent last winter 'hooked' on painting oyster shells.  Here are a few of the 7 pieces.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

As Close As Mortals Come to Heaven

Our figure model called out sick today, so when this occurs we sit for each other.  Today I brought several pages from my neighbor's Sunday NYTs.  They published extra Arts sections so I had plenty.  I'm really enjoying these quick sketches on newsprint, especially when there are words and images.  I'm going to explore this until I don't..

Abby and Dennis

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Singers gotta sing, dancers gotta dance...

The 18th anniversary of 9/11.  We remember, we reflect, and our lives go forward.  On the way to the Wednesday figure drawing session I picked up the Boston Globe and carried on  connected to that soul-crushing morning.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Dune Majesty in Truro, MA

Mostly during summer vacations for nearly 30 years I've been spending time in Truro, MA and have walked along Route 6A on those mornings.  The views and light have never gotten old. I've done a few paintings from and around this particular area.  This is the latest.

16 x 20 oil on canvas